Hey, I’m Rockwell Gunson. I write words. Lots of words in fact—enough words to do it for money, good enough words for your consideration.

Copywriter and author hailing from Santa Barbara, CA. Currently juggling words at Brigham Young University.


“It all begins with an idea,” is what an amateur copywriter grasping at straws would say. My work starts with a clear background, a clear strategy and vision—so the execution is far more than just the manifestation of an “idea”, it is the culmination of your desires and necessities.


These past projects spans past classrooms and into practical passions practiced everyday. Not only am I fluent in my own voice, but in the language of clients (and love, although most consider it universally applicable). Every piece will be unique and on brand for your consideration.

Excerpt of Yvain, Knight of the Lion Screenplay

WIP: Inky Dust: Poems and Conscience

Personal Essay and Thesis on ASD

Faux Government Documents

Copywriting and Promotional Concepts for ‘Crio Bru’


I’ve held a variety of writing positions in advertising, and in independent conceptual entertainment, where I’m responsible for delivering everything from branding for an international production, to 30,000 word screenplays.

My mom thinks I write good, and she was a comparative literature major.

I’m based in Provo UT, but available to travel for longer consulting engagements depending on the severity of cliental interest.


All works on this site are the property of my clients and are featured here with their express permission.

Get in Touch. Not too touchy…